Signed in as:
Monroe County Florida Residents who currently possess the 2020 Monroe County Early Re Entry Placard & wish to renew for 2021 may do so through the Monroe County Emergency Reserve Corps. Due to the current COVID Situation this renewal will again be held virtually, following the same procedure as last year.
2021 Renewal is a 2 step process
Step 1: Online Course
This online course is Available to your 24/7 online - check your email for invite from for 2021 Step 1 Online Course Link invitation - it will be emailed to you before end of night of April 17, 2021 – please follow instructions in order to obtain your (Step 1) required 2021 FEMA completion certificate - after you obtain your 2021 assigned course certificate please send pdf or jpg copy to (this is NOT your 317 - This is a NEW class cert for 2021)
Step 2: In person – will be conducted via ZOOM - training
You will receive an invite from eventbrite to sign up for the Zoom class (just like you did in 2020) on April 18, 2021 around noon. First action of Step 2 is to reserve your space for the date/ time you desire and last action of step 2 is: you must attend the class at your reserved date/time.
For 2021 we are offering 6 Zoom Class times. Please note each class is limited to so please sign up as soon as you receive to reserve your preferred day/time.
Saturday April 24, 2021 ZOOM – 10 am to 1 pm OR 3 pm to 6 pm
Saturday May 1, 2021 ZOOM – 10 am to 1 pm OR 3 pm to 6 pm
Saturday May 15, 2021 ZOOM - 10 am to 1 pm OR 3 pm to 6 pm
Note Please remember: You will need to email your 2021 assigned FEMA course completion certificate to .
2nd Note: You are required to turn in your 2020 Placard to receive your 2021 placard, so please do not dispose of it. – Further instruction will be provided during the ZOOM training
There is NO absentee policy – The classes are virtual remote. You must be zoom present at your chosen "in person zoom" class in addition to completing the online FEMA training and receiving and submitting your certificate.
This remote availability of online training is an EXCEPTION for 2021 due to the continuation of COVID Situation and will NOT happen in subsequent years so do not ask or use this as an example as to how it can work – !!!!! This is due ONLY to COVID-19 !!!!!!. We will return to Required IN PERSON class renewals as soon as it is safe to do so.
If you have a 2020 Placard and changed your email or no longer have access to your email on file please use the form below to update your contact information.
If it is after April 17 and you have not received your FEMA course invite please use also use the form below to update us with your contact information.
VERY IMPORTANT - In order to participate in the required FEMA training (step 1) you MUST HAVE your FEMA Student ID number (this is the number issued to you when you participated in the initial placard training and received your initial IS-317 certificate. )
It will be to your advantage to locate now so you have it available to complete. Monroe county does not have your SID and MERC does not have SID - ONLY YOU - Anyone who needs assistance please visit
for retrieval.
or Contact their help desk
Phone: 866-291-0696
Hours of Operation:
7:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. CST
2020 placard holders can also use the form below if you have any other questions.
Thank you
MERC Board of Directors
PO 430099, Big Pine Key, FL 33043, US
Copyright © 2018 Monroe Emergency Reserve Corps - All Rights Reserved.